Water Company PDAM implements Water Office

In an effort to improve services, processes and asset management, PDAM is implementing Water Office as its cornerstone spatial asset management solution in Bogor, West Java. For water companies like PDAM, the ability to successfully conduct their core business necessarily hinges on insights into the locations of their customers and all of their assets in the field. Spatial asset management (SAM) systems are critical to achieving this goal, as they provide the means to register, manage and control asset data and geographically referenced data. Water Office includes an industry-standard water supply data model, which has given PDAM Bogor a considerable head-start on the transition process.

Built on the GE Smallworld 5 GIS, Water Office was designed from the ground up to support geo-referenced spatial data for water companies and utilities. This spatial asset management capability will become the front-end system for PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor. Meanwhile, Water Office also supports the back-end with an industry-standard object-oriented database, ensuring performance scalability as the database continues to grow. For PDAM, enabling scalable improvements in service played a central role in their decision to pursue the development of a new spatial asset management system. The transition is progressing as planned and expected to be completed by the end of 2018.

“We have already completed the data migration process from our old GIS to Water Office,” said Rino Indira, General Director of PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor City. “A full topology of our assets is now available in Water Office. As a commercial off-the-shelf application, there is no need for excessive customization. The next phase will be performing data validation routines to ensure that our data accurately portrays the situation in the field. This is essential to supporting multiple business processes in the future and achieve our ultimate goal: providing service to customers one day after they have submitted their request.”

“Going forward, our aim is not only to increase service performance and clean water service programs, but to reduce Non-Revenue Water as well.” Rino said. “Because the new system will be linked to every aspect of production, distribution, marketing and metering, it will allow us to do that. This will become an operational support tool across the entire company.”

In order to ensure that the migration process is completed on time, PDAM Bogor is working with PT Realworldwide Wholesale Indonesia. “There are three specialists working on-site with PDAM to keep the project moving quickly and smoothly,” Rino said. “This allows for better monitoring and improved synergy, because we’re all working toward the same goal.”

As the transition progresses, all relevant network and customer information will be computerized and migrated as digital data. This will allow PDAM to quickly access up-to-date insights into every aspect of their network and services to meet the demands of the future.

Website WaterOffice Europe




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