TU Delft and Argaleo win EU Mobility Data project

An international consortium of twenty organizations has won a new Horizon Europe project, called EMERALDS. The project is developing a toolset for mobility data that makes processing and analyzing large data streams a lot easier.


Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser (MICD, TU Delft), Jeroen Steenbakkers (Argaleo)

In addition to TU Delft and Argaleo, the Dutch parties Mobility Innovation Center Delft and Arane are part of the consortium and the municipalities of The Hague and Utrecht are pilot cities for the project. The total project budget is five million, of which seven hundred thousand is available for the Dutch parties.

Every day, many terabytes of mobility data become available in the city about cars, public transport, bicycles, air quality and so on. That’s great, but that data is only useful if it can be processed and analyzed in the right way. The goal of the new European project EMERALDS is to create a toolset, Mobility Analytics as a Service (MAaaS), that makes working with data a lot easier.

Manage, analyze and visualize
The toolset will enable road authorities and other interested parties to collect and manage data of large volume, high speed and high variability. In addition, the toolset supports analyzing this data online and offline, using it for predictions and visualizing the results in a digital twin. All these services will comply with strict European legislation, at all levels of the architecture.

The project will start in January 2023. The Transport & Planning department of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Geosciences and MICD of TU Delft will work closely with the digital twin supplier Argaleo and Arane’s traffic consultants to develop the toolset. The toolset is being tested in the pilot cities of Utrecht and The Hague.

EMERALDS is a Horizon Europe project and stands for “Extreme-scale Urban Mobility Data Analytics as a Service”. The project budget is five million euros and will run for three years. The consortium consists of Inlecom Innovation (GR), Austrian Institute of Technology (AT), Trust-it (IT), Commpla (IT), University of Piraeus Research Center (GR), Atos IT Solutions and Services (ES), Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE), PTV Planung Transport Verkehr (DE), Sistema (IT), Erevnitiko Panepistimiako Institouto tilepikononiakon systimaton (GR), Sia “Grupa93” (LV), Carto Geographic Information System (ES), Delft University of Technology (NL) , Arane Advisers in Traffic and Transport (NL), Konnecta Systems (IE), Argaleo (NL), Riga Municipality (LV), City of York Council (UK), Municipality of Utrecht (NL) and Municipality of The Hague (NL).

Website Argaleo


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