Trimble MX9 Mobile Mapping System Certified by Deutsche Bahn

Trimble’s MX9 Mobile Mapping system is the first ever vehicle independent mobile mapping system officially approved by German national railway company Deutsche Bahn for surveying tracks, points, clearances, and topographic objects. The Trimble MX9 is the lightest and most compact premium mobile mapping system on the market, providing unrivaled set up and operation flexibility.

DB Netz AG, as the railway infrastructure manager for Deutsche Bahn AG, is the top railway infrastructure provider in Europe and is responsible for approximately 33,300 kilometers of rail network. Their main task is to make available and manage a high–quality, high-availability infrastructure system, including the repair and maintenance of the rail network.

“Deutsche Bahn is synonymous with quality and safety,” said Ronald van Coevorden, responsible for key account management for the Trimble MX9. “Intensive testing by DB Netz, in close cooperation with our German partner Allterra, has resulted in the acceptance by DB Netz of our solution as the only mobile mapping system to be used on DB Netz’s extensive rail network. That is a testament to the quality of the system and our ability to provide dedicated, local service.”

Trimble MX9 is a complete, field-to-finish mobile mapping solution that combines leading edge hardware with intuitive field software and a powerful, integrated office software workflow. The MX9 typically mounts on a vehicle and rapidly captures panoramic and multi-angle laser scans and images. Rich, immersive data can be captured at speeds of up to 100 km/h, avoiding the need for expensive railroad closures and eliminating the risk associated with employees working along railroad tracks.

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