Users of geographic data can now access application ready GIS data services and downloads without investing in expensive hardware, software or specialist staff. Powered by theMapCloud, thinkWhere now offers a new range of additional plug-in data services giving faster and more reliable access to ready-to-consume data.
Using the latest cloud technologies, users can access hundreds of environmental, demographic and topographic datasets from publishers such as the Ordnance Survey, Environment Agency and OpenStreetMap. For a limited time only thinkWhere is offering qualifying organisations a thirty-day trial period.
“theMapCloud data services take away the burden of managing maps and data resources, ensuring the latest maps and geographic datasets are readily available, easy to use and regularly updated,” commented Alan Moore, Chief Executive, thinkWhere. “Since its launch theMapCloud has powered more than 275 million map requests and we continually review and upgrade our services to take advantage of the latest developments in cloud hosting technology and delivery service solutions. We also work closely with geographic data publishers to ensure the data we provide is of the highest levels of currency, accuracy and usability.”
Using thinkWhere’s data services to access a single source of common data ensures that data used to inform decision-making and service delivery is up-to-date and consistent across an organisation. Feedback from users of thinkWhere’s data services includes, “The reliability and performance of theMapCloud are excellent and we have benefited from a significant reduction in the cost of maintaining our own data services,” Scottish Environment Protection Agency.