thinkWhere approved as government supplier with G-Cloud 10 Success

Geographic information and technology specialist thinkWhere has successfully applied for and been accepted as a supplier of cloud technology to UK government departments and organisations. As part of G-Cloud 10, the tenth iteration of the billion pound G-Cloud Procurement framework, thinkWhere has been awarded agreements for Cloud Hosting, Cloud Software and Cloud Support services. The thinkWhere services are now live on the Digital Marketplace where public sector organisations can review and download contract agreements.

The G-Cloud framework was launched in 2012 and was held up as an example of how IT procurement across the entire public sector should change. G-Cloud allowed organisations to purchase services from a much wider pool of suppliers with particular emphasis on small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs). There are currently around 3,000 suppliers listed on the framework with SME organisations like thinkWhere making up around 90 per cent. According to the Government Digital Service and Crown Commercial Service more than 3 billion pounds of G-Cloud sales have been made in the period up to 31 March 2018, of which 83 per cent were through central government and 17 per cent were through the wider public sector.

Website thinkWhere


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