Tersus updates Precis Board firmware V1.15 version

Tersus GNSS Inc. released the latest firmware update to Precis OEM boards, the 1.15 version. Firmware V1.15 provides users with more robust RTK fix solution and accuracy. It provides other improved performance such as RTK solution of long baseline. Some known issues have been fixed as well. All update improves RTK positioning performance and high-precision navigation in more challenging environments

Tersus provides real-time, centimeter-level accurate Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning solutions. Designed for easy and rapid integration, the GNSS RTK boards and receivers, RTK systems, inertial navigation system and other integrated solutions offer high-precision capability as well as flexible interfaces for a variety of applications, such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs), surveying, mapping, precision agriculture, crop health monitoring, agricultural remote sensing, lane-level navigation, construction engineering, and deformation monitoring, etc.

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