Septentrio announced it has entered into a commercial agreement with Sapcorda, a global provider of sub-decimeter GNSS corrections.
Through the collaboration with Sapcorda, Septentrio will pioneer an innovative no-hassle corrections integration into a new line of products for the high-accuracy industrial market. These new products will consist of Sapcorda’s SAPA Premium corrections integrated directly into Septentrio’s latest GNSS receiver technology. The result is sub-decimeter accuracy, which is available to users right out of the box. This significantly simplifies the user’s GNSS receiver set-up process and eliminates completely the hassle of corrections service subscription and maintenance. Such GNSS receivers acquire corrections via internet as well as via satellite broadcast and deliver reliable, broadly available sub-decimeter positioning to high-volume industrial applications.
Sapcorda was established in 2017 to provide an open approach to a safe, broadly available and scalable corrections service. By adding Sapcorda’s SAPA service to its corrections portfolio, Septentrio begins offering sub-decimeter accuracy with quick convergence time anywhere in the US and Europe. This broadens the range of Septentrio’s existing GNSS solutions allowing the company to serve a wide range of customers with various requirements in terms of accuracy, operation location and scalability.