Orbit GT releases 3D Mapping Publisher v18

Orbit GT launches the next generation Mobile Mapping Publisher : 3D Mapping Publisher v18. “This release is a milestone in the Publisher’s long history.”, says Peter Bonne, CEO of Orbit GT. “As version 18 bundles all the expertise and technology to support the various types of 3D mapping techniques, the 3D Mapping Publisher moves beyond Mobile Mapping.  But more important, it now supports a publication both in Flash as in HTML5 which for sure will satisfy many users, both the innovators as those in need of backwards compatibility.”

3D Mapping Publisher is intended for use On Premises whereas 3D Mapping Cloud is Orbit GT’s flexible SaaS-based alternative to share data beyond your organisation. Both products are now using the same HTML5 based viewer which is a major innovation for the On Premises 3D Mapping Publisher. This version 18 is bound to get several minor upgrades as the capabilities of the HTML5 based viewer will evolve in sync with the 3D Mapping Cloud Viewer, bringing more capabilities to both products and platforms.


3D Mapping Publisher


As we experience many of Orbit GT customers are using several techniques of reality capture, such as Mobile Mapping and Oblique Mapping, we worked towards an integration of our portfolio to offer a single product line covering the needs for each of these domains, according Peter Bonne. This native integration is a sure win for every customer and user.
3D Mapping Publisher is ready for download.

Website Orbit GeoSpatial Technologies


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