OGC seeks public comment on candidate InfraGML standards

The membership of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) seeks public comment on its candidate InfraGML standards.

The candidate OGC InfraGML Encoding standards define the implementation-dependent, GML encoding of concepts supporting land and civil engineering infrastructure facilities. InfraGML is a GML implementation of  the OGC Land and Infrastructure Conceptual Model Standard (LandInfra). Developers can use it to implement software and services that enable users of diverse technologies and vendor platforms to efficiently exchange information about land and civil engineering infrastructure facilities.

In order to achieve consensus on the concepts supporting land and civil engineering infrastructure facilities, a UML Conceptual Model, LandInfra, was developed by the OGC in cooperation with buildingSMART International (bSI) and approved as an OGC standard in August, 2016. This model provides a unifying basis for encodings including InfraGML and similar work in bSI.

Due to the breadth of concepts and elements in the LandInfra Model, the subject areas are divided into separate Parts. Similarly, this InfraGML encoding is divided into Requirements Classes which are then grouped into Parts. This separation of InfraGML into Parts was done to streamline the management and creation of each Part, giving each subject its own standards life cycle. Further, it should be easier for software developers to only deal with Parts relevant to their application.

The Parts of InfraGML are as follows:

  • Part 0: LandInfra Core Encoding Standard
  • Part 1: LandInfra Land Features Encoding Standard
  • Part 2: LandInfra Facilities and Projects Encoding Standard
  • Part 3: LandInfra Alignments Encoding Standard
  • Part 4: LandInfra Roads Encoding Standard
  • Part 5: LandInfra Railways Encoding Standard
  • Part 6: LandInfra Survey Encoding Standard

The Candidate OGC Land and Infrastructure Conceptual Model Standard is available for review and comment at portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=72352. Comments are due by 3rd March 2017.

Website OGC

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