ODA Releases Teigha 4.2.2

Open Design Alliance (ODA) announced the release of version 4.2.2 of Teigha, its development platform for engineering applications. Teigha 4.2.2 contains support for reading and visualizing Autodesk ReCap point cloud files (.rcs), which are commonly used to attach point cloud data to .dwg.  Also included is full support for visual styles and beta incremental save.

“Incremental save significantly improves the speed of saving to .dwg,” commented Neil Peterson, ODA President. “It’s an important feature for developers of CAD editors and other applications that save files frequently.”


In addition, 4.2.2 contains beta support for persistent transactions. Persistent transactions allow applications to preserve undo/redo transactions between sessions. This technology can be used to compactly store the full history of changes made to a .dwg file.

TeighaAlso included are enhancements to PDF export to support PDF/A, visualization of 3D PDF (PRC) files, improvements to DGN underlay support, and fixes for issues reported by ODA members.

Open Design Alliance


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