Now Available on Cesium ion: Japan 3D Buildings

Cesium announced new data available on Cesium ion, Japan 3D Buildings. Japan 3D Buildings is a countrywide, open source data from Japan’s MLIT Plateau Platform that merges over 200 individual ward, city, and village CityGML datasets into one comprehensive tileset.

Japan 3D Buildings will enable the creation of digital twin visualizations and simulations with CesiumJS, Cesium for Unreal, Cesium for Unity, Cesium for Omniverse, or other 3D engines where 3D Tiles are supported.

Fuji City data visualized using Cesium for Omniverse


The Japan 3D Building tileset allows users to easily access and use this data for building high precision digital twins. This single tileset can now be added directly to Unreal Engine or NVIDIA Omniverse to provide realistic rendering capabilities for urban planning, development proposals, presenting multiple building design options, and realistic sun and shadow studies.

Compiled from Japan’s MLIT Plateau 3D city model data, Japan 3D Buildings contains over 23 million 3D buildings across Japan. The data fuses together CityGML datasets available through the G Spatial Information Center into a single, comprehensive 3D Tileset, and includes a combination of textured and untextured building models along with metadata. The 3D buildings in this tileset are aligned to Cesium World Terrain to provide a seamless display of buildings and terrain across Japan.

Sapporo City data visualized using Cesium for Unreal


“The building data provided by Project PLATEAU, an initiative of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, through CityGML is of high quality, but the data size is large, and it used to take a lot of time and effort before the data could be visualized. The fact that all of the building data that has been developed so far is now available with a single click from a Cesium ion account is a groundbreaking initiative that opens the way for companies and organizations that had previously given up on using PLATEAU data to make use of 3D data.”

Website Cesium


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