Keynote speakers FIG Working Week 2016 announced

Thought leaders and visionaries from the surveying and spatial industry will again take the keynote stage at FIG Working Week 2016 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Watch what these exciting executives have to say about different aspects of the overall theme “Recovery from Disaster”.

The theme of the FIG Working Week is “Recovery from Disaster”. The New Zealand survey profession has interesting stories to share. There are lessons learnt and a need to use this FIG Working Week to draw the attention of the profession to the work being done in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction at the international, national and local level.

With the UN Work Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Sendai, Japan, and the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the FIG Working Week from 2-6 May 2016 being held in Christchurch represents an opportunity for the international body of surveying to be challenged to provide input and make commitments to disaster risk-resilient development.

At the Opening Ceremony, Tuesday 3 May 2016 we are excited to announce that Ms. Margareta Wahlström, who was Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction until the end of 2015, will make a keynote presentation.

aMargareta Wahlström has over 30 years of extensive national and international experience in humanitarian relief operations in disaster and conflict areas, and in institution-building to strengthen national capacity for disaster preparedness, response and for risk reduction.

In November 2008, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced her appointment as the first Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction.

UNISDR is the focal point in the United Nations system for the coordination of disaster reduction.

We look forward to welcoming Margareta Wahlström to the stage at FIG Working Week 2016, where she will discuss the post Sendai agenda and the role of the geospatial professional in this agenda. Further she will  outline some of the initiatives that have arisen since Sendai such as the 5-10-50 global programme in support of country efforts to reduce the risk of disasters.

The FIG Working Week programme will be underpinned by invited high-level presentations in three plenary sessions covering topics within the overall theme “Recovery from Disaster”. The nine powerful keynote speakers will set the stage on knowledge sharing and cover best practices, trends and case studies. Presenters include:

Tuesday 3 May 2016
The Christchurch story “Christchurch’s response to the 2011 earth quake”

Ms. Lianne Dalziel
Mayor of Christchurch

  • Community and Resilience – A legacy for Christchurch following the Canterbury Earthquake
  • Sequence In the aftermath of the 22 February 2011 earthquake, individuals and communities pulled together and stepped up in a remarkable manner. There were actions that stood out from others. There have also been lessons learnt about the role of community and about those who served and worked directly with the public following the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence.
  • The strategic decision within Council to establish a City Resilience Plan and the role of a Resilience Officer will be shared.

cHon. Gerry Brownlee
Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
Member of Parliament for the Christchurch constituency of Ilam

  • The New Zealand Government’s response to the Canterbury earthquakes Responding to the aftermath of the Canterbury Earthquakes saw the Government take a strong leadership role, including establishing the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority, making changes to a range of legislation to accelerate the immediate response and support the ongoing recovery, and provide economic and social support to the people of Canterbury. This presentation is also a chance to hear about the Government’s vision for Christchurch’s future.

Mr. Duncan Gibb

Founding General Manager of SCIRT
(Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team)

  • The delivery vehicle for Christchurch’s horizontal infrastructure rebuild,
  • The multi-party private-public partnership model for collaborative and organisational leadership and solution development,
  • Surveyors and engineers leading collective action to deliver outcomes by involving multiple sectors and perspectives in innovative ways,
  • A toolbox legacy for consideration before and after a disaster event or sequence of events.

Wednesday 4 May 2016
Disaster Management and Recovery framework – The Surveyors response

dDr. Hiroshi Murakami 
Deputy Director General
Geospatial Information Authority of Japan

  • Long term Experiences from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
  • The subsequent impact on and the challenges ahead for the surveying and geospatial professional in disaster response, recovery and resilience


eMr. Gregory Scott
United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management

  • United Nations Geo-response to disaster management
  • The impact on and the challenges ahead for the surveying and geospatial professional


fMr. Keith Bell
World Bank

  • Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction – A World Bank Perspective
  • The subsequent impact on and the challenges ahead for the surveying and geospatial professional

Thursday 5 May 2016
The Public, The Private and the Peoples response for Disaster Management and Recovery in the Surveying Profession – New technologies

gMr. Bryn Fosburgh
Trimble Navigation

  • The use of measurement technologies in disaster response, recovery and resilience
  • The challenges ahead for the surveying and geospatial professional


hProf. Dr. Pengfei Cheng
Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping

  • The use of photogrammetry in China following disasters – a Government Perspective
  • The impact on and the challenges ahead for the surveying and geospatial professional in disaster response, recovery and resilience

iMr. Sam Johnson
Student Volunteer Army

  • Youth leadership – experiences from natural disasters in Christchurch, Japan, the Philippines, Vanuatu and Nepal.
  • From frustration and despair to mobilisation and repair
  • Catalysing a revolution in youth leadership

You can have a look at the full programme here:

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