ISPRS Symposium on Education and Outreach 2018

The ISPRS TCV invites you to the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Technical Commission V (TCV) Symposium on Education & Outreach – “Geospatial technology: Pixel to People” at Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, India during Nov 20-23, 2018.

With increasing demand of geospatial information for sustainable development goals of nations, innovative approaches for capacity building to cope up with advanced technologies and software solutions are in high demand. The ISPRS TCV is actively involved under eight working groups with pioneers to deal multi-tier training for all levels; cross border education; e-learning and online web-based resource sharing; citizen science and its societal benefit applications; innovative technologies for training civil engineers and architects; open source tools and geo web services.

Please visit: for details.

The WG leaders will present the outcome of activities, share their ideas and experience with the participants in last two years.  Four pre-symposium tutorials on the emerging topics are planned: Big Data Analytics, Ground-Based 3D Modeling, Citizen Science and its applications and Space Education for Educators as part of APRSAF. There will be also special lectures from ISPRS and Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS). 

The ISPRS TCV invites you to participate and submit your research contributions on the above topics by submitting abstracts and papers. These will be published in ISPRS Archives and Annals.

June 1, 2018 is the last date for submitting abstracts and papers. 

Website ISPRS Symposium On Education And Outreach 2018


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