Inaugural European Drone Summit in Frankfurt

In addition to being a smart, up-and-coming technology, commercial drones are also an integral part of the digitalisation of business and society. The EU member states have agreed to introduce legislation regulating the operation of unmanned aircraft in Europe that takes into account both economic potential and safety requirements.

There is considerable need for dialogue at present from a number of perspectives. On the initiative of UAV DACH e.V. and the Interaerial Solutions part of Intergeo, the inaugural European Drone Summit will take place on 15 October 2018 in Frankfurt to support this process and bring together relevant stakeholders for discussion. The programme will be put together by UAV DACH experts and will explore legal aspects, technological issues and various areas of application. Leading politicians, industry representatives and user groups will meet on the eve of Europe’s largest trade fair for commercial drones.

The following high-calibre experts have already agreed to speak:

  • Peter van Blyenburgh, UVSI
  • Max Scheck, Vereinigung Cockpit
  • Jules Kneepkens, EASA a.D.
  • Martin Brandenburg, DJI
  • Dr. Andreas Lamprecht, AIRMAP
  • Dr. Jörg Seebach, DeDrone

About the European Drone Summit

The European Drone Summit gives users, legislators and representatives of various technologies the opportunity to meet and talk about relevant issues and ideas for the future. Political experts, industry specialists and user groups gather to discuss solutions for safe commercial unmanned aircraft systems in Europe. The goal is to channel ideas and decisions relating to unmanned aircraft systems in such a way as to highlight how UAV technology can be used now and in the future by representatives of various sectors. The focus is on economic benefits and safety.

The European Drone Summit is taking place on 15 October 2018 in Frankfurt. The Interaerial Solutions part of Intergeo is the largest commercial drones trade fair in Europe and is being held from 16 – 18 October, also in Frankfurt.






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