Going house hunting? Ask yourself these 5 important questions during a viewing!
The search for a new house is exciting! To avoid falling in love with a house too quickly out of enthusiasm, it is smart to prepare yourself well before walking in. In this article you will find the important questions that you quickly forget to ask yourself. Read on quickly!
What feeling do I have upon entering the house?
As soon as you step through the door, pay close attention to how you feel in the house. If it immediately feels pleasant and calm, then chances are you are really going to feel at home here. Does a strange feeling bubble up inside? Then maybe this isn’t the best home to live in for the next few years after all.
Did I get a good look at all the rooms and details?
A viewing is often led by a real estate agent. They know which parts of the house need extra attention and what they would rather skip to prevent you from doubting the sale. Be critical: do you see stains or cracks on the walls or ceilings? What is the condition of the window frames and doors? Do you feel suspicious drafts coming from somewhere? Also, be sure to ask the real estate agent about the condition of the foundation and the roof. They are obliged to answer this honestly. By being well informed, you can avoid high unforeseen bills after moving in.
Is there enough storage space?
You don’t always think about it, but check carefully to see if your potential home has enough storage space. There are many items that almost everyone has in their home but does not need on a weekly basis. Therefore, it is convenient if you can store this somewhere where it is not in the way. Think of large kitchen appliances, Christmas or New Year’s Eve decorations (in Dutch: oud en nieuw versiering) or extra folding chairs for when you expect a lot of visitors. But it’s also nice to be able to reserve a spot in the back of your closet for extra bedding or your carnival clothes (in Dutch: carnavalskleding).
Is there any noise pollution?
Also take a moment to listen to the noise from around the house. For example, do you hear the roaring of cars on nearby roads? Are there a lot of barking dogs? Or do you hear other noises that you cannot place, but would rather not hear all day long? It is very annoying to find out that there are many unwanted noises in the area, so be aware of this when you move in.
How do I like the environment?
It may be that the house you are viewing is exactly what you are looking for, but is the same true of the surroundings? It’s easy to forget to also take a walk around the neighborhood before or after your viewing. Is there a supermarket nearby? Where can the kids go to school? Is it a nice, safe area? In addition, consider practical matters such as accessibility by public transportation and parking spaces.
Now that you have the right questions in mind, you can be prepared to view your potential new home!