Geoverse 1.4 released by Euclideon

EUCLIDEON, a geospatial company, announced the release of Geoverse 1.4,  a unique technology allowing users to instantly load and interact with point cloud, CAD and image data of any size and even stream it over the internet.

Geoverse 1.4 adds incredible performance improvements to streamline your workflow like never before. With a complete visualization up to a volume of 128TB of point clouds data and image data, CAD models and 3D city models in less than a second, the users will obtain an overall quality assessment of their projects in the blink of an eye. Euclideon’s Unlimited Detail (UD) technology facilitates the global access to data through the internet.
This enables users to perform quality assessments even thousands of kilometers away from production units in order to increase the productivity. The Unlimited Detail algorithm is so efficient that even the largest of point clouds can now stream easily across ordinary ADSL or even mobile 3G.


Nieuwe afbeelding (4)
Profile selection tool [image courtesy of Geo3D]

Major new Features in Geoverse 1.4 MDM

  • New selection tools: Geoverse 1.4 allows to create polygonal, plane and circular selections, to export these selections to Las and offers different display options.
  • New copyminder licensing system: Enables true floating network licenses; easy end-user administration of network licenses, and automatic 30-day trial periods upon installation for any user. Licenses are now genuinely permanent instead of expiring after 1 year
  • Improved CAD functionalities: Polygon selection be imported to AutoCAD; Polygon Tool now supports click & drag editing of polygon points
  • New Point information tool: Visualization of all the point’s attributes stored in LAS file
  • Searchbox added to all tool planes: Allows users to find items in the project quicker
  • New selection highlight tool: Never select the wrong point again
  • Addition of GAMMA parameter: Color visualization for 16-bit and HDR point clouds
  • New Customized bookmark actions: Bookmarks can have a custom action defined
  • Basis histogram control added  

In combination with udWeb customers are able to share all datasets with their clients and partners all around the world on their website (no plugin necessary!).


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