Free healthcare data with Maptitude 2018 Mapping Software

Caliper announced the release of free updated healthcare map layers providing over 5 million medical and healthcare provider points-of-interest. These locations can be analysed with the tools and data already included with Maptitude, such as counts by health insurance coverage type. The provision of the entire healthcare landscape in a mapping format is unprecedented.


Accountable care and better access to electronic health records are driving the use of Maptitude mapping software by healthcare providers to improve the health of their communities (more…). Maptitude is widely used to better target care interventions, to reduce readmissions, and to help hospitals qualify for incentives for service improvement.

The ability and desire to map health data has exploded. Out of the box, Maptitude 2018 with the U.S. Country Package provides detailed geographic data for the entire country that includes hospitals, emergency rooms, and pharmacies. The free addition of comprehensive healthcare location databases ensures that Maptitude will continue to be at the forefront of the digital healthcare revolution. The new healthcare data layers are:

  • Hospitals
  • Healthcare Organizations
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Primary Care Service Areas (PCSA)

Maptitude allows you to explore doctor, patient, and provider locations, verify compliance, map service territories, perform hospital mapping, and conduct health-focused research.

Website Caliper


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