FIG Working Week 2020 Moved to 2021

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the organizers had to cancel FIG Working Week 2020 that was due to take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.



The local organizers of the FIG Working Week 2021, which was scheduled to take place in Ghana, have suggested that it should be held in the Netherlands instead. “It is a very special and generous offer from the Ghanaian local organizing committee for which both the FIG Council and the Dutch local organizers are very grateful. This is showing real FIG spirit to come up with such an offer!” commented Louise Friis Hansen, director at FIG.

The FIG Council made the following decisions:
The FIG Working Week 2021 will be held in the Netherlands instead of Ghana, and the Dutch local organizers have accepted this special offer so that their preparations have not been done in vain. “Due to this very special offer, the FIG Working Week 2024 will be given to Ghana without competition. It will be a pleasure to welcome you all to Ghana in 2024, and we hope that you will support FIG Working Week 2024,” Friis Hansen said.

The two bids that have been received for FIG Working Week 2024 will be moved to 2025. The bidding for 2025, which will take place next year in the Netherlands, will not be re-opened for other bidders.

Minimized loss
“These decisions mean that the expenditures that have been held for these preparations can be moved to 2021 and that we will also be able to transfer in full registration fees, sponsorship packages and exhibition stands to 2021. This minimizes the loss for both the local organizing committee and FIG. It is with pleasure that we can invite to you FIG Working Week 2021 (…or ‘2020+1’) in the Netherlands,” Friis Hansen said.

FIG and the Dutch local organizing committee are now looking forward to working on the details of the preparations for the Working Week 2021.

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