ESO Surveyors recently released a stunning video highlighting a RIEGL VZ-400i Terrestrial Laser Scanner being utilized to scan building and street infrastructure for design and construction purposes in Australian cities.
This high-speed, high-accuracy cutting-edge laser scanner with a laser pulse repetition rate of up to 1200 kHz provides high speed data acquisition up to 500,000 measurements/sec at eye-safe operation. The innovative processing architecture enables data acquisition and simultaneous geo-referencing in real-time, automatic on-board registration, as well as simultaneous image and scan data acquisition. The delivered high-resolution, high-accuracy point cloud data is a sound basis for further processing to provide meaningful data in as-built-surveying and construction monitoring.
See the results of their rapid scanning workflow using state-of-the-art RIEGL LiDAR technology in the video above. ESO Surveyors was able to capture data with the RIEGL VZ-400i scanner and process it using Cyclone 3DR software with client viewing in Pointerra.
The combined point cloud, mesh, and CAD visualization and animation were made in NUBIGON.