Drone aerial surveying without using ground control points

Munich based Videographics Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH recently demonstrated the precision of PPK direct geo-referencing developed by Klau Geomatics, an Australia based company. The project was to generate precise three-dimensional coordinates of existing buildings at the edge of a future new housing development area. The survey area of about seven hectares was flown at an altitude of 75 meters above take-off point and about 55 meters above the highest relevant roof. The overall flight time to capture about 160 images was less than 10 minutes.

The KlauPPK software was used to process the GNSS data captured during the flight together with the reference data from the VRS network.  Within minutes the precise center of exposure coordinates for each camera position were computed for direct input into photogrammetry modelling software, in the customer’s preferred geo-coordinate system. With the precise camera event capture, calibrated camera parameters and IMU corrections, highly accurate mapping is achieved without any Ground Control Points.

All project expectations were exceeded, including the absolute accuracy promise of five centimeters in all three axes in the final data product without any ground control points and better than three centimeters using one ground control point collected by the drone itself. The accuracy check of overlaying existing cadastral information as a vector file on top of the processed orthomosaic has been especially overwhelming: whether curbs or sewer manholes, even at a scale of 1:100 (or 20mm/pixel), the overlay’s line width overrides any deviation, within any detectable tolerance.



The final product for this customer was the creation of the relevant digitising and contours as a three-dimensional dxf-file which is directly available as a digital input into any planning CAD or GIS software.

Videographics Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH located near Munich, Germany is an engineering company dedicated to offering solutions to technically demanding drone applications. Videographics is sales partner in Germany and the EU for the aerial PPK georeferencing systems from Klau Geomatics.

Website Videographics

Website Geomatics

Website Klau PPK


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