Cyclomedia presents new pavement and assets data collection solution

Cyclomedia recently showcased its innovative integrated platform for pavement and asset data collection. This all-in-one solution is set to transform how transportation agencies manage and utilize geospatial data.


Image courtesy: Cyclomedia

Transportation agencies are under increasing pressure to improve efficiency and sustainability in managing road infrastructure. Cyclomedia’s new platform brings together advanced tools for collecting and analysing roadway data, streamlining the process. The system integrates Cyclomedia’s DCR-10 mobile mapping system, SSI’s zero-speed inertial profiler, and Pavemetric’s LCMS-2 3D laser system to provide precise and reliable road condition assessments. This allows agencies to better monitor infrastructure and address maintenance needs, contributing to safer and more durable roads.

Challenging conditions
The inclusion of SSI’s zero-speed inertial profiler ensures the collection of high-resolution International Roughness Index (IRI) data, even under challenging conditions like stop-and-go traffic or sharp bends. This capability improves the accuracy of pavement condition monitoring, supporting more effective planning and reporting across road networks.

“Traditional inertial profilers have data gaps at low speeds, and report elevated IRI values when the collection vehicle is accelerating, decelerating or going around tight curves. We chose the SSI zero-speed inertial profiler because it is a Class 1 profiler that doesn’t have those issues,” said Larry Mattke, senior technical lead for pavement at Cyclomedia. “This allows us to produce highly accurate and complete longitudinal profile data everywhere.”

An collaboration with Pavemetric’s LCMS-2 3D laser system, Cyclomedia’s solution offers advanced analytics that help identify key pavement distresses – such as cracks, rutting and joint faulting. The system automates distress classification, streamlining inspections and ensuring data accuracy. Cyclomedia’s Street Smart SaaS-based viewer application also provides a powerful interface for visualization and long-term tracking of pavement conditions.

Website Cyclomedia



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