CARIS launches Bathy DataBASE Server 4.2

CARIS announced the release of CARIS Bathy DataBASE 4.2.

As part of the CARIS Ping-to-Chart solution, Bathy DataBASE is a powerful system for the management and analysis of bathymetric surfaces and point clouds.

Highlighting the release is the first appearance of the enhanced 3D Subset Editor for area based editing. This update provides a more powerful and user friendly environment for interacting with large volumes of point data from multibeam, laser scanner and LiDAR sensors.

Subset Editor is now equipped to allow for the simultaneous editing of multiple point clouds. New visualization opportunities have been added, such as custom colouring based on non-elevation data sources and a more flexible use of reference data for context. The interactive experience in the Subset Editor has been improved with a move to shared interface settings, controls, and properties.

Data from Montreal Port Authority displayed in Subset Editor
Data from Montreal Port Authority displayed in Subset Editor

Other major enhancements include new tools for working with raster surfaces, which are referenced to vertical and inclined planes through the Engineering Analysis Module (EAM). The ability to drape higher resolution imagery (e.g. backscatter) over elevation models in both 2D and 3D has been introduced. There has been a substantial coordinate reference system modification, which incorporates the implementation of EPSG Geodetic Parameter dataset. Support for Oracle 12c has been enabled as well as an overall emphasis on server specific performance including faster server combine processes.

Powered by the CSAR engine and backed by proven relational database technology, the new version 4.2 of CARIS Bathy DataBASE delivers a scalable solution for the management of elevation data. Users can manipulate, analyze, and compile the data necessary for creating bathymetric and cartographic products with confidence.



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