Call for Papers Smart City Conference in Puebla, Mexico

A Smart City is defined as a set of instruments across many scales that are connected through multiple networks and provide continuous data regarding people and environment in support of decisions about the physical and social form of the city.

This process cannot be completed without technology advancements. Moreover a Smart City cannot be established without a better involvement of citizens (smart people). This conference aims at presenting novel research concerning the use of information and communication technologies in Smart Cities. The second edition intends to further strengthen the communication between senior researchers, students, developers, practitioners and citizens and to establish collaborations on new research topics.


This conference will be jointly organized by the Urban Data Management Society, ISPRS IV/10, IV/6, IV/4 and the local committee located at Puebla by the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM), Universidad de las Américas-Puebla (UDLAP), Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP), Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Optica y Electrónica (INAOE) and TSystems. The UDMS ( is a pioneer in promoting information technologies in European cities from early 70s. ISPRS ( is one of the largest international organization for geospatial technologies.


Tecnológico de Monterrey, also known as ITESM, was founded in 1943 at Monterrey and today it offers about 200 academic programs including international, undergraduate, master and doctoral programs recognized and accredited by different national and international organisms. ITESM has an international strong reputation among employers and is one of the most prestigious universities in Mexico and Latin America. There are about 85,000 students and 9000

professors distributed in 31 campuses throughout Mexico organized in seven National Faculties and 41 research laboratories.


We invite you to submit full academic papers (approximately 6,000 words) to the conference, related to the following themes:

Smart data

– Sensor network databases
– On-the-fly data mining
– Geographic and urban knowledge modeling and engineering
– Green computing
– Urban Data Analytics and Big Data
– Big Databases and Data Management (noSQL)

Smart people

– Volunteered information
– Systems for public participation

Smart city

– System of territorial intelligence
– Systems for intelligent management (building, transportation, energy, etc.)
– 3D modeling of cities
– Internet of things
– Social Networks
– Mobility and Transport
– Urban dashboard design and implementation
– New style of urban decision-making systems
– Geovisualization devoted to urban problems
– Disaster management systems.


Submission must be done through: Accepted papers will be published in the ISPRS Archives and Annals. We aim for the highest academic standards for this conference, and therefore full papers will be blind reviewed by  three members of the scientific committee.


Organising committee:

David Ricardo Sol Martinez, Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Puebla, Mexico
Ofelia Cervantes Villagómez, Universidad de las Américas Puebla, Mexico
Enrique Sucar, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica, Mexico
David Pinto, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico
Juan Manuel Ahuactzin, T-Systems, Mexico


Important dates:

– Deadline for full papers: March 31, 2017
– Papers acceptance: April 30, 2017
– Final paper submission: May 26, 2017
– Conference dates: October 4-6, 2017
– Early bird registration May 26, 2017











Website UDMS 2017


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