Call for Submission ISPRS Symposium Innovative Sensing

The ISPRS Technical Commission I Symposium will take place October 10-12, 2018 in Karlsruhe (Germany).  The Technical Commission I Sensor Systems intend to organize the Symposium’s technical sessions in single-track fashion to support maximum information, interaction and communication. For allowing the presentation and publication of “cutting edge” technical papers as well as early concepts or latest, highly application-relevant results, there are two submission possibilities: full papers to be assessed by peer-reviewing for ISPRS Annals and reviewing based on abstracts for ISPRS Archives. 

Several one- or half-day workshops and tutorials (9 October 2018) with special focus on young scientists and practitioners from industry and (non-)governmental agencies will be organized. This shall include, for instance, tutorials and workshops for UAS- and spaceborne data acquisition strategies, modern calibration methods, sensor-oriented SAR and hyperspectral data processing, multi-sensor fusion concepts etc.

The main topics of the Symposium are:

  • Innovative and integrated UAS-oriented sensor and (small) platform concepts
  • Systems and methods for terrestrial and mobile mapping in complex indoor and outdoor environments
  • Small and low-cost active sensing (micro-LIDAR and -RADAR sensors)
  • Design and realization of sensors and constellations for digital aerial and spaceborne missions for Earth observation
  • Geometric and radiometric properties, quality standards, and factors affecting data quality
  • Benchmark definition, calibration and evaluation of imaging and non-optical imaging sensors
  • Integrated platform guidance, navigation, direct georeferencing (positioning and orientation) and integrated sensor orientation
  • On-board (pre-)processing and concepts for embedded systems


You are encouraged to submit a paper or abstract for oral or poster presentation.  All accepted papers will be published in either the International Annals (double-blind full paper review) or the International Archives (abstract review) of the Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and Special Information Sciences.


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