Bluesky wins multi million pound UK Government mapping contract

Aerial mapping company and consortium lead Bluesky International, in partnership with Getmapping plc, has been granted a contract extension from the Geospatial Commission to continue to supply aerial photography, 3D height models and Colour Infrared imagery, to public sector organisations across Great Britain.

The contract, branded as Aerial Photography Great Britain (APGB), was first signed in 2018 enabling 4500 UK local authorities, emergency services, environmental bodies and central government departments to access, free at point of use, high quality aerial data.

Supporting the Government’s commitment to improve take up and use of geospatial technologies, Bluesky as part of its remit under the contract, has delivered data to over 2000 public sector organisations with over 22 million sq km of data delivered to date.

The extension was awarded by the Geospatial Commission working on behalf of the English, Scottish and Welsh Governments to a consortium of Bluesky International and Getmapping plc. The contract has now been extended until March 2024.

APGB contract covers the supply of natural colour, orthorectified aerial imagery at both 12.5 and 25 centimetre resolutions for the whole of Great Britain and colour infrared at a resolution of 50 centimetres. Photogrammetrically derived national height data is also included in the contract including 5 metre Digital Terrain Model (DTM) or bare earth model and 2 metre Digital Surface Model (DSM) which includes ground features such as buildings and vegetation.

Website Bluesky


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