Avenza Maps for Windows 2.0 Released

Avenza Maps 2.0 for Windows has just been released and is now available for download from the Microsoft Store. This release features a refreshed design, improved Avenza Map Store navigation, and access to the Avenza Maps Pro subscription.

Avenza Maps is a mobile map app that allows you to download maps for offline use on your iOS, Android, and Windows smartphone or tablet. Use your device’s built-in GPS to track your location on any map, plot locations and photos, measure distance and area, and much more. Easily browse and purchase maps from all over the world through the Avenza Map Store.

For commercial and professional users, a low-cost Avenza Maps subscription is available and designed to enable your organization to distribute the Avenza Maps app across mobile devices, access support and request app features and enhancements. It will also empower your team to use their own proprietary maps in the field for navigation and data collection.

Website Avenza Maps


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